What is Peace?
What is Peace
Is it the absence of noise
Of the echoes of drama
Anger or pain?
Is it the play between gentle moments
The warm touch of fingertips
The catch in the throat
The heartbeat
Under thrumming fingers?
Is it touch at all
Or is it the absence of others?
Is Peace lonely?
Once I thought peace was pure silence
Away from touch, sound and connection
I craved it
Desired it
Fantasized standing on a quiet hilltop, or the sea's edge
Alone, feeling the wind on my face
Smiling at the sky
I wanted to run
Separate from humans
Just me
And the female heart of the Earth's song
And the male Universe
Now, in this writers shack
Hearing the rain pouring on the roof
Just as I have desired
Suffering my body
I see that after all
There is nothing more sublimely peaceful
Than loving quiet touch
Warm breath
A gentle smile
Warm oil on skin
It seems I am open to receiving love after all
After years of calling in calculating wizards
Ones who would watch amused
My unrequited need to be seen
Through half closed eyes
In this empty search
This Sehnsucht
Looking blindly for the missing jigsaw piece
That would not be found
I had turned my head from peaceful love
Afraid of offering my full self
To the Big Hearted ones
To their all seeing wide open eyes
I ran from truth
From non-manipulative love
It is easy to give, to hold
Without receiving in return
Keep a wall
Smile and pretend that all is well
Much harder to open the heart
To allow warm blood flow to return
The stainless steel barrier is down
Wizards kicked to the kerb
Nothing more to reconcile with healing the cold Father
or the lost and separated ones
Ready now
To receive love from Light
Of no longer keeping love out
The old fears
Of Rejection
Do your worst!
Now, my heart aches with hope
For the feel of kind trailing fingertips.
And smile lines
At the corners of unshrouded eyes
Peace then
Peace is presence
Peace is kind
Peace is love
Peace is
After all …
All Rights Reserved Veronica Farmer
For more of Veronica's writing check out her blog www.veronicafarmer.org