We are born with wide eyes
and arms
Those first loves
warm pump fuel
for the heart
Awakening fibres of connection
Natural human joy
Rich Life
And then
Something hits
your face grazes concrete
Breath expelled in shock
The sudden nature
Of an imperfect act
breaks something
Of trust
Of heart width
That rich wide heart
Slams shut..
Arms wrap the body
and the head turns focus
from wide Creator
Great Antenna to the world
To the dirty feet below
Kicking in the dust
No longer out to the world but down
Only we decide
How long for
How long to punish ourselves
In this internal prison
For self punishment it is
To be that separate
And distrusting
When your power
Is as wide as sunlight
When it cannot express
and is kept volcano hid
it rattles
creates madness
At any moment though
The angry silent violent voice
Of separation
Can be evicted
And the heart door slammed back open
It usually happens in one playful moment
of abandon
The sweetness
That never left you
still waiting patiently beneath
peeks out
When your child's dimpled laugh
Stops time
Or when you reach up and climb
Swing from a tree
Roll down a hill
This way you return to your childlike heart
And swing open the door
The illusion
The Grey
Is shown for the fraud it is
Don't listen
To the slammed unforgiving mind
She/He would like to tell you
that Alone
is best
But it's boring
No fun
At all!
The child You is Queen, is King
A Great Sovereign Being
If only you would let it
once again
It would ride the waves of life
with head held high
and a smile
as broad as the beach
All Rights Reserved Veronica Farmer 2016
See also www.madebeautifulbyscars.com for Veronica's shared writing project