Do The Thing!
Your Thing
The Thing you came here for...
The making-the-world-better Thing
The same energy that creates masses of wealth
and prosperity
for those you disdain
is the same energy
you could do something with.
Those without heart
Have farmed us
tapped into the secret of creation.
They know we like to manifest
and they have sidestepped us
into consumerism
and staring at phones
Don’t give up and wait
For someone else to wake the people up
Do it
Do The Thing!
Your Thing
The Thing you came here for...
The making-the-world-better Thing
God gave you a free ticket
to enlightenment
For me
It came at a cost and a process
It cost me a piece of my body
And my life
My old life
It cost me pain
And fire
And struggle
And yet
It was worth it
To leave an ordinary, grey small life behind
To come to the place
The place you already know how to access
in a heartbeat...
So beautifully
It makes my heart catch to see you in the flow of it
The place I see in you
The Being Place
The Container of Universal love
The greatest love
You Healer
I had to explore the wide energy
Decide where I would sit in it
Consider if I was brave enough to
do something with it
It took me years
It takes you a breath
This is me
Asking you to consider
To stay with us.
You use chemicals, plants and the grape
As your access point
to open the mind
To be free from this world
To see beyond the lie of the picket fence
And expectation
Of a man's ordinary slavery
I get it
But we your Tribe
want company
In this healing business
Your wings high
and wide
next to us
With one of your smiles of sunlight
you bring us back together
And unlock the others
From grey drudgery
to pure laughing joy
Do you Remember?
How we love you
How You matter
If there is ‘The Man’
A tiny handful of the mass
deciding who we can be
Then we can be The Man
and The Woman
The larger proportion of the mass
Just by choosing to be…
Our Thing
The Real Thing
The Thing we came here for
The Thing that matters
We can use the same energy
and principles of creation
But this time of the Great Shift
We can use this energy
with intention
and Light
Helping others remember
That they are able
To create another way to be
That they are beautiful
And the rest
Of the drama
The separation
The conflict
The mouse-wheel of ownership
Of control and manipulation
Can go.
Give the people something else
Other than the grey office
The slumped shoulders in the suit
And the years marking a tired face
It only requires your presence
Your smile
Your touch
That will make their heads turn
And a start
I remember
You put up your hand and chose
to come to this odd place
before you came
into this body
You were excited
To leave your mark
Your gentle feather-like touch
The smile and scent of you
The Search for chemical enlightenment
Rather than simply being The Universe
Is hurting you
Your body is rebelling
The detoxing is making you slow
Your wings are tired
Please Be the Creator
Get excited!
Our world needs you
To be the jigsaw piece
You came to be
It’s time Lalei
Do The Thing!
Your Thing
The Thing you came for
The making-the-world-better Thing
All Rights Reserved Veronica Farmer 2015
Your Thing
The Thing you came here for...
The making-the-world-better Thing
The same energy that creates masses of wealth
and prosperity
for those you disdain
is the same energy
you could do something with.
Those without heart
Have farmed us
tapped into the secret of creation.
They know we like to manifest
and they have sidestepped us
into consumerism
and staring at phones
Don’t give up and wait
For someone else to wake the people up
Do it
Do The Thing!
Your Thing
The Thing you came here for...
The making-the-world-better Thing
God gave you a free ticket
to enlightenment
For me
It came at a cost and a process
It cost me a piece of my body
And my life
My old life
It cost me pain
And fire
And struggle
And yet
It was worth it
To leave an ordinary, grey small life behind
To come to the place
The place you already know how to access
in a heartbeat...
So beautifully
It makes my heart catch to see you in the flow of it
The place I see in you
The Being Place
The Container of Universal love
The greatest love
You Healer
I had to explore the wide energy
Decide where I would sit in it
Consider if I was brave enough to
do something with it
It took me years
It takes you a breath
This is me
Asking you to consider
To stay with us.
You use chemicals, plants and the grape
As your access point
to open the mind
To be free from this world
To see beyond the lie of the picket fence
And expectation
Of a man's ordinary slavery
I get it
But we your Tribe
want company
In this healing business
Your wings high
and wide
next to us
With one of your smiles of sunlight
you bring us back together
And unlock the others
From grey drudgery
to pure laughing joy
Do you Remember?
How we love you
How You matter
If there is ‘The Man’
A tiny handful of the mass
deciding who we can be
Then we can be The Man
and The Woman
The larger proportion of the mass
Just by choosing to be…
Our Thing
The Real Thing
The Thing we came here for
The Thing that matters
We can use the same energy
and principles of creation
But this time of the Great Shift
We can use this energy
with intention
and Light
Helping others remember
That they are able
To create another way to be
That they are beautiful
And the rest
Of the drama
The separation
The conflict
The mouse-wheel of ownership
Of control and manipulation
Can go.
Give the people something else
Other than the grey office
The slumped shoulders in the suit
And the years marking a tired face
It only requires your presence
Your smile
Your touch
That will make their heads turn
And a start
I remember
You put up your hand and chose
to come to this odd place
before you came
into this body
You were excited
To leave your mark
Your gentle feather-like touch
The smile and scent of you
The Search for chemical enlightenment
Rather than simply being The Universe
Is hurting you
Your body is rebelling
The detoxing is making you slow
Your wings are tired
Please Be the Creator
Get excited!
Our world needs you
To be the jigsaw piece
You came to be
It’s time Lalei
Do The Thing!
Your Thing
The Thing you came for
The making-the-world-better Thing
All Rights Reserved Veronica Farmer 2015